All associations may cancel games no less than 90 minutes prior to the start of the game
due to.
a. Closure of the sports fields by the city or municipality.
b. An Air Quality Health Index of 7 or more.
c. Extreme heat warning issued by Environment Canada.
It is the responsibility of the home team coach to declare a rain out, or a field unfit to
play, until 90 minutes prior to the scheduled game. If the game is cancelled the umpire
scheduler will be notified immediately via phone and the division convenor will be
notified via email within 24 hours.
After 90 minutes the decision to cancel the game rests with the umpire at the diamond.
If lightning is observed in or around the field or lightning is observed in proximity on the
Canada Lightning Danger Map the game will be immediate halted and all participants
will be instructed to wait in a safe area.
a. The game may resume no earlier than 20 minutes after the last after lightning
strike is observed.
Games may be cancelled due to rare and significant extenuating circumstances. The
coach of the canceling team must notify the other coach within a minimum of 24
hours before the start time.