1. What nights are games and what times do they start at?
A. Depending on the age they play different nights of the week. Click here to see the different nights.
2. What are the age requirements for the league?
A. We offer softball programs for girls and boys from 5 to 20+. For girls and boys aged 11 and older and who are looking to take their game to the next level, we offer a Select team division in addition to houseleague.
3. What is the registration fee?
A. Registration fees depend on the age division and level of play. Pricing ranges from $90 to $190 per season. One game, team jersey, photo and end of season tournament are included. The season usually starts by the second week of May and continues to mid-August.
4. What equipment is needed for the players?
A. For divisions U7 and higher a glove and helmet with faceguard is required. Soft cleats are also recommended for girls U11 and older. For U11 and older, we require pitchers to wear an infielder mask (face protection). A fastpitch rated bat is also recommended.
5. What are the practice and game schedules?
A. One game is typically a weekly schedule for houseleague, weather permitting. Practices are setup by the coach. At the end of the season, a tournament is based on final end-of-season standings. Typically, 10 games per season.
For Select players, in addition to their houseleague commitment, players will play in 3-5 one-day Saturday tournaments plus a season-ending provincial championship at the end of August. Typically, there is an additional cost to cover games, tournament costs and separate uniforms.
6. What is the coaching experience and qualifications of the team's coaches?
A. Our organization supports the development of new coaches, specifically female coaches and senior players who are taking on assistant coaching roles. We are recommending coaches get their Level 1 and/or Level 2 if they are wanting to further their coaching into Select and/or Rep.
7. How are teams formed and what is the process for tryouts
A. Prior to the start of our houseleague season, players are divided into teams based on the previous years coaches evaluations and spring player evaluations. We strive for team parity. Best efforts will be made to accommodate players who have requested to play with a friend but cannot be guaranteed. After the season starts, further team balancing may occur to help balance the skill level across all teams. During the registration process, players answer questions about years played, preferred positions and friend requests. For Select teams, tryouts usually take place in May, just after houseleague starts. Players compete in a wide variety of skills and assessments are completed for each player. Final decision of the 12-13 player select roster may be made after the evaluation. We encourage girls from all levels of play, including those who have never played softball to join our houseleague division. They will quickly learn the skills necessary to have a fun, safe summer and make a ton of friends.
8. Are there any volunteer requirements for parents?
A. Although there are no volunteer requirements for parents, we absolutely encourage all parents to join in the fun of our softball association through roles with their child’s team, practices, events, tournaments and as part of our executive team who work together to run league operations.
9. What are the rules of the league and what is the code of conduct for players and parents?
A. All our league rules of play, code of plan are available online on our website in the “League Info” section. GKSA take pride that all our members support our objectives to provide safe, fun, inclusive, competitive and equitable softball programs. Our code of conduct guides our players, coaches and parents in the spirit of fair play and zero tolerance for bullying of any kind.
10. What is the process for dealing with injuries or medical concerns during games and practices?
A. Each team is equipped with a first aid kit which includes ice packs. Designated coaches and league officials have been trained in first aid. Our coaches have also had full access to concussion protocols. Our league also carries insurance for all registered players who play on permitted diamonds and permitted facilities. Most small injuries tend to be scraps and cuts from sliding or falling on the field, mosquito bites, sun burns and bruises from getting hit by a ball or making contact with another player. Proper fitting helmets with face guard is required for all batters in our league. Infielder masks are required for all pitchers U11 and older.